Monday, June 27, 2011

Milwaukee Hair expo/ 3 week post BC and 20 weeks post relaxer

Yesterday was the Milwaukee Hair expo. It was my first hair expo event and I loved it! There were ladies and gentlemen with all kinds of hair styles and texture. It was a beautiful site. I felt like I belonged! :) They had vendors for jewelry, clothes, hair and skin care products. Also along with classes teaching about the health of your body and hair. I went to a couple, one for preventing hair loss and one for what's in the products. Both were very informative.

I learned that products contain a lot of chemicals that are unnecessary. I knew about some of the ingredients were a no-no. But I didn't think about all the chemical ingredients were bad. I may try and go natural or just make my own products. Because there are products out there that claim they are natural but still sneak some kind of chemical in to their products. Did you know that certain products or ingredients are banned in most countries but the US does not ban it. That's because other countries knows the damage and harm it can cause to the people. I don't understand why SOME not all companies only care about the quantity instead of the quality! If you want to know what ingredients are banned and harmful just search it on the internet.

On another note, I just passed my 3 weeks post BC!!!!!! I can't believe it 3 weeks already! This weekend will make it a month since BC. My hair is growing pretty good. Still having trouble with moisture. I am trying different things to keep it moisturize. I may make some homemade recipes to help out. So far I've been using this Shea butter mix I made. I mixed it with Jojoba oil, coconut oil, and aloe vera gel and a little bit of glycerin. I see a little difference in my hair using that.
Well until next time! Have a blessed day!

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