Saturday, June 11, 2011

What I learned so far/ 1 week Big chop anniversary

Hello Lovelies,
It's been 1 whole week since I've Big Chopped. It feels like it's been forever lol! In this whole week I've been researching on hair care for natural, and I happened to come across Kimmaytube and wow she has alot of information about hair. She has been natural since 1999 but didn't really start taking care of it until about 2008 since she has grown her hair from low cut to about mid back length.

What I Learned from her so far
I've learned a lot in the past couple of days. First off I learned about the pH in our  hair and what pH levels can do to your hair from different products. Our hair is about a pH of 4.5-5.5 (acid level) water level is a neutral balance of 7.0. (if you want to learn more about pH levels and balance and what pH is go to Kimmaytube here's a link Example of what products do to your hair. I am going to use a relaxer ex. Relaxers pH is about 11.0-14 (alkaline) so your hair is raised to alkaline level this is where the hair is broken down and made straight, to neutralize it you use a neutralizing shampoo that brings it back to its regular pH. This blew me away I never went into the science of what we do to our hair. Raising the pH can be damaging to your hair or even lowering the pH. I really suggest that you go to that video and watch the other videos related to it. Whether your relaxed or natural it is very informational and may help you take better care of your hair. Also she suggested some books to read called Grow it by Chicoro and Ultra Black hair Growth part II by Cathy Howse. I plan on getting these books by the end of the summer to read them.
Kimmaytube also has this leave in conditioner recipe that is pH friendly to the hair. I used it last night and I see somewhat of a change to my hair. Mind you that I still have scab hair (hair that was damaged by relaxers that is still growing through my scalp also researched this too!) so it may take awhile until my hair gets used to it.

My 1 week Natural Hair anniversary
LOL I know it's too soon to say anniversary but it feels like I've been natural for awhile now! So fair my hair has gotten better. Been using Shea moisture line (shampoo, conditioner, curl enhancer) and also Kinky Curly Knot today. I will use this for another week to see how my hair takes it. So far it seems like it's liking it. My hair is not as dry as it was the first day I cut it. I plan on buying more products to try when I decide on whether or not I like Shea moisture. I would like to try Beautifulbrownbaby product line (can find her on youtube) and a couple of others but can't remember their names at the moment. I also been buying earrings and hair flowers like crazy lately. And I have gotten alot of comments on them. Yesterday a stranger came up to me and said wow you are pretty! You know that made my day! In all my hair is doing pretty good so far. Can't wait until I get some length so I can do cute styles!

June 26th I will be going to a Hair Expo in Milwaukee. Tickets are on sale for $15. The theme is Health is wealth! I am so excited to go and see other naturals and what they can do with their hair. There will be muscians, poetry speakers, class, vendors and speakers. It's going to be a fun filled day !
if you want more information go to
Until next time HHJ!


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